Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mass number of myspaces being deleted?

so yesterday i was looking at my top 8 and someone was missing. I asked that person today why they deleted theirs and they said they didnt know about it. So then all these other people were like MINE WAS DELETED TOO. every person i've mentioned it to said that they know like 5 people who have had theirs deleted within the past two days. Whats going on? does anyone know?

Mass number of myspaces being deleted?

This happened a few weeks ago and even though it said that the myspace had been deleted, it really hadn't. It was a problem with myspace. They got it fixed and everyone's account was restored to normal. So just wait it out and I think it'll all get fixed again.

Mass number of myspaces being deleted?

Ask them when the last time they made changes. It could be that it's been more than a year, and teh company may be cleaning what THEY think are 'unused' profiles and pages. Making a small change at least once a month may alleviate this problem.

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