Friday, November 27, 2009

My daughter on the Myspaces and a potential pervert?

My child is on the Myspaces and I have a program that records dialogue but I saw that she has several accounts. Some of her friends and contacts put crazy ages such as 102 years-old. I've coached her on safety issues and I watch her like a hawk, but no parent has a 100% safe kid. You have to be super careful. Is there any software I can buy that would allow me access to her accounts and to view "everything?"

My daughter on the Myspaces and a potential pervert?

if she makes one with the appropriate age myspace will block that page to anyone she doesn't allow

My daughter on the Myspaces and a potential pervert?

come on let her live a little, dont watch her like a hawk shes a kid not a animal on display at the zoo

My daughter on the Myspaces and a potential pervert?

Yes but she is probably testing you - the more you watch the more she will prod. Remember being a teen?

Since you don't have the tech skills to implement or manage that software over a period of years, it is bound to end in security or family disaster or both.

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