Sunday, November 29, 2009

I have a website but i dont know how to put stuff on it, glitter messages that people have on thier

like message generators u put on your homepage or web polls or new backgrounds, please help, i am new at this. and answers i have gotten from previous questions have been helpful so any suggestions would be great!

I have a website but i dont know how to put stuff on it, glitter messages that people have on thier myspaces.?

go open a photo bucket account if you don't have one.. It is free it will supply you a URL address that you will need..

now best thing to do would be an image search on what you want to find a pic you really like.. (ie wolfs)

now go to go to layout generator... ( i recommend blink you it has more tweaks then other places i have tried on) you need the URL code in the back ground section..

select the other options.. if you want to preview just hit preview what the page will look like.. now the text color that appears in the extended net work box is what your text color will be for that about me sections and such...

Get you code when done and paste in your about me section.. now save the changes you made most time if you just preview the page the back ground does not show up so save changes and exit edit profile and go view your profile to see if you like.. don't close blink you in case you want to go back and change some thing.. has html tutorials the basics.. you can learn how to do your font changin in ther for your msgs..

%26lt;font face="monotype corsiva" size=5 color=#9900CC%26gt; like this one will chage your font style color and size..

A place to get poll for your page is that is a great one they can only vote 1 time only...

here are 2 sites that you can make glitter text on for your home page

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