Sunday, November 29, 2009

What if my mom wants all your info for ur myspace name like ur pass should u give it to her and chan

my mom want my name and pass for both of my myspaces and i gave it to her then i changed my pass should i have to tell her or should she but out? Because i put something on hers and now i'm afraid she will cancel my account and she dosen't know some people well all the people on my myspace so help me plzzzzz.

well if u want to go to my myspaces and add me make sure to whore my i have a roleplaying site and an acutal site the are

What if my mom wants all your info for ur myspace name like ur pass should u give it to her and change my pass

Well you she just might want to see if your not doing anything worng on there so i say give it to her. It's worth a shot i guess.

What if my mom wants all your info for ur myspace name like ur pass should u give it to her and change my pass

No, to be safe you should never give your passowrd to ANYONE, including family. Report It

What if my mom wants all your info for ur myspace name like ur pass should u give it to her and change my pass

First of all, why does she want it? Perhaps to cancel your account with Ask her why she wants it then tell her the new password, if the reason isn't to cancel it.

What if my mom wants all your info for ur myspace name like ur pass should u give it to her and change my pass

Well yea go ahead and tell her then soon as you give it to her change it. Then she when she figures out it wrong say mom let me do it you might misspelled it then type in your new one and she would never know

What if my mom wants all your info for ur myspace name like ur pass should u give it to her and change my pass

haha wow. she really need to butt out. `cause it really not her bussiness. as long as you don`t call out people or date them rite ?

but what is there to hide from when you`re clean ... that if you is. i dont mind my mom butting in. cause there`s nothing bad on my page. but to tell you the truth. tell her to stop butting in. %26gt;.%26lt;

What if my mom wants all your info for ur myspace name like ur pass should u give it to her and change my pass

well your mom just wants to make sure no older men are messing with her Daughter, Cause some older men would go there to try to pick you up its wrong but it happens

What if my mom wants all your info for ur myspace name like ur pass should u give it to her and change my pass

Well, if you are doing things wrong on there, you should worry, but if not, then give it to her. She is just wanting to protect you. How old are you anyway?

What if my mom wants all your info for ur myspace name like ur pass should u give it to her and change my pass

Maybe you shouldnt have one at all.

Its for ur own good.

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