Friday, November 27, 2009

What is up with old people having 360s and myspaces and tagworlds..?

and every other website that i cant think of all trying to act young and cool. how LAME.

What is up with old people having 360s and myspaces and tagworlds..?

loool...well, u know the saying, "everybody and their mamma". lolol

What is up with old people having 360s and myspaces and tagworlds..?

What do you consider old?

What is up with old people having 360s and myspaces and tagworlds..?

old people have that right too ya hethen!!

What is up with old people having 360s and myspaces and tagworlds..?

no not alot in myspace!tom is the only old guy i know!

What is up with old people having 360s and myspaces and tagworlds..?

..i guess us old people like to keep in touch with our friends too..

What is up with old people having 360s and myspaces and tagworlds..?

YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR LAMER THEN THEM!!! also myspace and 360 and whatever the crap is like myspace is overrated and FOR RAPIST!!! DON'T BLAME ME WHEN YOU GET KILLED!!!

What is up with old people having 360s and myspaces and tagworlds..?

Since when is cyberspace the exclusive domain of the young?

What is up with old people having 360s and myspaces and tagworlds..?

Old people need love too!

What is up with old people having 360s and myspaces and tagworlds..?

Yes, we have a lot of nerve. We have no business being familiar with computers at all, and really should go back to our golf %26amp; knitting.


What is up with old people having 360s and myspaces and tagworlds..?

What is your definition of old?

Let me ask you a question? I assume you have all the things you listed. When you age are you going to suddenly not like those things? Is there a switch you flip when you reach a certain age that requires you to give up all the things you used to like because you're now "old"? So, list all of your interests and plan on giving them up when you reach a certain age. According to your logic that is required because "old" people are not allowed to have interests.

What is up with old people having 360s and myspaces and tagworlds..?

Old Folks gotta have fun too!!!

What is up with old people having 360s and myspaces and tagworlds..?

Acting young and cool? Sweetheart, they are trying to reconnect with their younger relatives. I hooked my mom up with a myspace, and her nieces and nephews love it.. You should see some of the coments they leave for her, and it only takes a minute, and they all agree it is way easier than having to find time to go over there and listen to her stories about the good old days.

Maybe you are the close-minded, dare I say LAME one?

What is up with old people having 360s and myspaces and tagworlds..?

what is old to you, my child?

and 360 was not made for the youth of America.. it's a yahoo thing.

MySpace? why would a child like you want a MySpace account? and where does it say that young kids are the only ones out there who want to communicate with the rest of the world? We "old people" need an outlet too. It's not about "acting young and cool," it's about connecting with people all around the world.

If you ask me, you are a very closed minded individual, and pertty LAME yourself.

Besides, MySpace can be used for networking (and my husband, who owns a business, has found MySpace to be quite helpful - it has kept him in touch with MANY long lost friends as well as family!) MySpace allows people, friends, and family to stay connected!!!

What is up with old people having 360s and myspaces and tagworlds..?

were not trying to act cool or young.what,ur surprised were on the computer?hello,we INVENTED it!!!!do u think were ready to roll over and die if were over 30????please dont make me laugh!!!!!!! back in the day,society said after u were married and had kids,u had to be tame and "respectable" and basically,be well behaved and sit around and rot !!!today,peoples granparents go backpacking around mexico,or horsebackriding in the carribean,etc.because the current generation of35 and overs decided not to stereotype themselves,but to enjoy their lives,they have paved the way for your generation to have more freedom to explore,to grow,and not to go along with societys rules.this year,i have gone whitwater raftingand to france and spain,biking,motorscootering,surfing,and in november,i leave for a month of hiking in south america. i hope u realise that its just a number and not ur personality.and i wish the same,and even better adventures,for u when u are u think once ur,say,40 or so,maybe u should just sit in a rocking chair and knit sweaters ??????

What is up with old people having 360s and myspaces and tagworlds..?

You are stupid!!!!

Age has nothing to do with it. You will learn when you grow up and get older.

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