Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why do people upload pictures of other people on their myspaces?

It's a random question I know, but it bugs me when I look at peoples myspace pictures and they have a random picture of a singer or actor, or a picture of someone they know.. The weird thing is they are not even in the picture with the person. I have seen this several times, its just the picture of a random person and 9 times out of 10 the profile owner just took the pic off of the other persons page, and then they post comments like "Here's my pastor and his wife" or " This is just Angelina Jolie and her son just hangin' out"... or something stupid like that. Why do people do that???? I mean, isn't your profile on myspace supposed to be about you, and contain just your pics, or even pics of someone else but with you in it?? I understand if it's a family member or a boyfriend or girlfriend pic, but leave your friends pictures on their own page.

Why do people upload pictures of other people on their myspaces?

they have ocd and its a necessity 2 do so

Why do people upload pictures of other people on their myspaces?

Sometimes these people believe that they want to be like that person or idolize them (look that up!). If you want to find out the real answer, you might as well just IM or e-mail them and find out.

Why do people upload pictures of other people on their myspaces?

the same reason friends go over other peoples houses

just because its your-space doesnt mean no one else can enter your-space

Why do people upload pictures of other people on their myspaces?

please read my fiends blog about this subject

Why do people upload pictures of other people on their myspaces?

wow this isnt even worth asking. Maybe its part of them..idk about you but my pastor is a big part of my life.

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