Friday, November 27, 2009

Is it right for teachers to have myspaces?

Some of the teachers at my school have myspaces. I know it's there own business and stuff but some kids are making fake ones just so that can see everything. Which is causing some problems. Is it right for teachers to have myspaces?

Is it right for teachers to have myspaces?

Why wouldn't it be? Maybe the kids are the ones that are not 'right' for myspace!

Is it right for teachers to have myspaces?

Uh yeah myspace is free for practically anyone to use lol being a teacher doesn't automatically ban u from myspace my english teacher has a myspace.. and see nothing wrong with it lol i even added her

Is it right for teachers to have myspaces?

yeah its ok along as they don't have weird stuff that makes them "hip" or anything young and unappropiate. But hey that build up more cofidence, but i don't know i wouldn't like them seeing my profile so i wouldn't accept them only the ones am hella cool with

Is it right for teachers to have myspaces?

Anyone who makes a myspace page should know that anything they post on there can and will be seen by anyone who is looking for it. If they are not willing to have EVERYONE see it, then they should not be doing that and should definitely be putting a privacy setting on what they don't want people to see.

It is like anything else you post on the internet. Post with caution.

Is it right for teachers to have myspaces?

If it makes you feel iffy, it probably isn't.

But a lot of famous people does have myspace, and it makes us feel to get to know them better.

Is it right for teachers to have myspaces?

I'm a teacher and I don't recall seeing any restrictions on myspace that says teachers are forbidden. That said, my students actually enjoy seeing my space and actually think that I am a "human" being rather than just a teacher. They send me messages and comments and I get to see a creative side that I wouldn't necessarily see at school. I do limit the amount of personal information regarding myself and am careful what gets put on my comments and such from others. As a teacher I do have a responsibility to set an example. It doesn't sound like the teachers are the problem but the students that are creating fake myspace.

Is it right for teachers to have myspaces?

sure it is

Is it right for teachers to have myspaces?

Technology is NOT just for the under 20s. OK what gives you the right, over a teacher to have a myspace?

Rather than writing this post shouldn't you be concentrating more on your spelling?

I feel I have to correct your English, you should have wrote 'I know it's their' (and not there) ......

Is it right for teachers to have myspaces?

LOL when i was in 6th grade my teacher mr. valenti had a myspace (it still exists but i dont think her uses it!) it was just as a joke i think... or to spy on his students! personally i thought it was kinda funny but also wrong for him to be reading our myspaces! you can still look at his myspace its really funny... well probably only if you go to brecksville broadview heights middle school lol but still its

i think its ok for them to have a myspace as long as its either private and they dont let students see their pages, or they dont have anything of mature content whatsoever on it, even in their comments to others or comments to them, or pictures of half nakedness! i think that could get them fired!

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