Friday, November 27, 2009

How do you get chris brown pics on your myspaces?

You can go and get a photobucket account and paste the picture there and then it will give you a HTML and then you copy the HTML and go paste it on to your page anywhere under "Edit Profile"

How do you get chris brown pics on your myspaces?

chris brown is okay but bow wow looks better and by paste them on to your myspace cause I have myspace so just download them to the photo thing. then take and put it anywhere you want.

How do you get chris brown pics on your myspaces?

well the way that you put any pic on your myspace is by saving the picture on your computer and then either uploading it on your picture index if you want it on your picture index or you save the picture on your computer and then go to like then click on browse and look for the picture you saved you then click on host it! then it will bring up like 5 codes and you choose whichever one will work best like hotlink for websites and then copy the code and then paste it wherever you want it on your myspace like in the I'd like to Meet: section or something like that

hope it helps!

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