Friday, November 27, 2009

Cani have 2 myspaces be running in the same computer at the same time?

see i have 2 myspaces, and i want to be on at the same time. is it possible. is there another website that i can go to?? cause it's kinda annoying signing off and on to another myspace. i only have one computer with a fast internet, my other computer goes way, i mean way too slow.

is there a website i can go to?? can someone help?

best answer=10pts.

thank you

Cani have 2 myspaces be running in the same computer at the same time?

No me and my friend where on the same computer and both where logged into myspace and when I signed in and she refreshed her page after I minimized mine it signed hers out!

Cani have 2 myspaces be running in the same computer at the same time?

No, you can only be signed in to one MySpace account.

Cani have 2 myspaces be running in the same computer at the same time?

Yes you can use Mozilla, Mozilla Fire Fox, or the regular Internet Exploror.

Cani have 2 myspaces be running in the same computer at the same time?

yes you can have 2 myspaces running at the same just have to make sure that you open a different internet explorer then the one you are using with your first myspace:]

Cani have 2 myspaces be running in the same computer at the same time?

yah, jst open up a new safari.

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