Sunday, November 29, 2009

Im so jealous of the teens that have those mod scene fashion photo on there myspaces?

man i %26lt;3 how they can jsut take a picture and it looks so mod and high tips on how to take pictures like that?

Im so jealous of the teens that have those mod scene fashion photo on there myspaces?

first off, my friends are addicted to myspace and they take a ton of pics and they don't all look like those mod scene fashion photos. the reason why it looks good is because they pick good outfits and have the right amount of makeup on. sometimes using a high quality camera helps.

it also helps to be skilled at photoshop. Pretty much all myspace pics are photoshopped.

Make sure you have good lighting when taking pics, it makes a difference.

Im so jealous of the teens that have those mod scene fashion photo on there myspaces?


i'm scene.

i take pics like that!

well scene kids are really into photography.

and they use really expensive cameras.

and great photoshop.

and they take their pictures at different angles. Report It

Im so jealous of the teens that have those mod scene fashion photo on there myspaces?

photoshop. Report It

Im so jealous of the teens that have those mod scene fashion photo on there myspaces?

Maybe they are just really photogenic and your not.Not to be mean or anything.You could hire a photogropher and the photogropher could give you tips,then when he/she gives you those pics,then you can upload them on your myspace!

Im so jealous of the teens that have those mod scene fashion photo on there myspaces?

start by going to like and getting some fashion and nice outfit ideas. always do your hair and makeup at the begining of the day, and do it once more in the afternoon.. wash your face to keep your face healty at all times, and find a smile right for you. try to keep your head up high when taking a photo. not so low because the cirlces under your eyes will be really dark. to find the right makeup for you go to some different sites or watch what now to wear on tlc to find some good makeup tips from carmody. hope this helped.

Im so jealous of the teens that have those mod scene fashion photo on there myspaces?

they wouldnt be honest if you asked them, but if they were, and you asked how many times they took a picture to get one like that, you'd be in shock, they DONT naturally look like that, they DONT take every pic like that and look good. most of them arent even fitting to that type of picture. they just wish they were.

but if you really want to. make the pictue balck and white, put it at a wierd angle, and what you wear etc. is up to you.

Im so jealous of the teens that have those mod scene fashion photo on there myspaces?

Hire a photographer!

Im so jealous of the teens that have those mod scene fashion photo on there myspaces?

its definitely the hair and they always take it from weird it compliments there face

Im so jealous of the teens that have those mod scene fashion photo on there myspaces?

make sure you have really good lighting and it never hurts to try a a new angle!

Im so jealous of the teens that have those mod scene fashion photo on there myspaces?

i sware some cameras just take good pictures! haha that sounds dumb but some of my friends cameras rock when i take pics with them but mine like sucks!

and its like your hair, your make up

try new angles and poses

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