Sunday, November 29, 2009

R teachers allowed 2 have myspaces?

or any other kind of networking sitess? r there ne type of laws prohibiting this?

R teachers allowed 2 have myspaces?

Of course we're allowed to have a MySpace. And nope, there aren't any laws prohibiting me or any other teacher from having a MySpace or FaceBook or LiveJournal or similar type of set up.

I actually have all three but only actively use LJ and MY, but not only are both of mine set to private, I also will not accept any of my students past or present as a friend because my accounts are my private life and not for students' eyes. Never mind the potential legal nightmare that having even former students as friends could cause.

Why are you asking?

R teachers allowed 2 have myspaces?

there are no laws prohibiting this

R teachers allowed 2 have myspaces?

last time i checked, they were humans. therefore, they can have Myspace accounts.

R teachers allowed 2 have myspaces?

I think your need to find an English Teacher on Myspace so he/she can help you with your English and Writing Skills.

R teachers allowed 2 have myspaces?

I'm a teacher and I have a myspace. As long as you are not doing anything inappropriate or illegal, then why shouldn't teachers be able to have myspace?

R teachers allowed 2 have myspaces?

Why would there be? Teachers should be careful of what they put on them or how they project themselves in any public place, including the Internet. But there are no laws banning them from using the sites. That would go against basic amendment rights. However many states are just starting to ban child molesters and people of that nature from these sorts of sites or even the Internet completely.

R teachers allowed 2 have myspaces?

There aren't laws, but some school districts may prohibit their employees from having a profile. I personally haven't heard of any restrictions, but I don't think most teachers WANT profiles that are easily detected by their students. I know the kids in my community's high school created fake profiles of teachers and principals they didn't like.

R teachers allowed 2 have myspaces?

you can have a myspace but just make sure it is private so you have to accept ur friends before they can view ur profile....

R teachers allowed 2 have myspaces?

Its their right

R teachers allowed 2 have myspaces?

Unless the district the teacher works for prohibits myspace, there are no problems with it.

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