Friday, November 27, 2009

What are some URLs to real WWE myspaces?

most wanted

Jeff Hardy

Randy Orton

Shawn Michaels

John Cena ( he said he had one on 5 questions but ive never seen it)

Triple H

WWE official

those are just wanted ones. give me as many WWE as you know and BONUS! do you know the TNA myspace URL

What are some URLs to real WWE myspaces?

I am only going to give you the ones with them holding a pic with their URL (unless noted otherwise) because there is no other way to know if the site is legit or not. I have a list of my friends right here but there may be more real myspaces.

Matt Hardy:



Justin (Smackdown Announcer):

Gregory Helms: There is no pic of him w/ his URL but on Matt's OFFICIAL site he says Greg's is real.

Michelle Mccool: I am not sure about this one but some of the real diva myspaces are her friends so this may be real.

By the way Matt Hardy has a list of REAL superstar myspaces on his page.

Hope this helped!

What are some URLs to real WWE myspaces?


john cena


and hbk

DO NOT have myspaces

Jeff Hardy's is

or something like that.

What are some URLs to real WWE myspaces?

i only know edge's but if you get edge's go on his and go down to his friends randy orton might come up i don't know edge's is the

What are some URLs to real WWE myspaces?

None of those wrestlers have Myspaces.

Jeff has a Myspace for his band,but that's it.

Cena and Orton have both had multiple Myspaces,but cannot stand the posers and whatnot,so,they just don't have them anymore.So,that Five Questions has to be at least two year's old.He had one about a year ago,but deleted it after a few months,same with Orton.

If you would like the links to other wrestlers though,WWE and/or TNA,look here:


What are some URLs to real WWE myspaces?

A lot of sites aren't real %26amp; are fan-based i think.Your best bet is to go to %26amp; try from there.Or just Google a particular wrestler for info.

What are some URLs to real WWE myspaces?

John Cena does hav a myspace profile i got him as a friend and here is his url

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