Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How Do You Make Myspaces Layouts On Adobe PhotoshopCs2?

i cant find out anywhere if you can make myspace layouts useing adobe photoshop Cs2 or the size that it would have to be or anything i need help!!!!!

How Do You Make Myspaces Layouts On Adobe PhotoshopCs2?

To use images you need an image host. Google for "image host". There are plenty of free ones. Then you link the image with the code %26lt;img src = "http://image.jpg" alt = "description" /%26gt;.

How Do You Make Myspaces Layouts On Adobe PhotoshopCs2?

you have to make the layout yourself.

after you are done making the layout.

you need to add the tags or links.

after you add the tags.

you save the files are .html

find either a free or paid web-host and upload the fies there.

copy the HTML CODES when you peview them.

you may have to change some sizes depanding.

if you don't understand me.

go to and search for PS layouts/

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